Welcome To Chimera Miniatures: Our blog thats dedicated to Mine and My fiancées painting studio!

Saturday, November 15, 2014

`The Hunter Drone Becomes the Hunted`` Stalking Miniature Competition Entry

Hi Everyone over The last Few days I`ve been In a Mad Rush to complete my Entry for WGC Artists Novemnber Challenge  Stalking the stalked! It`s been an Exciting Past Few days and heres My Completed Entry:


`The Crimean 501st ``Skull takers`` Sniper divisions 1st Officer Hando ``Cougar`` Veridian Hunts the Tau traitors who massacred, and slaughtered the last of his regiment, stalking his prey, he silently hunted A lone Tau Hunter Drone across the Crimean forests, he finally reached the Tau camp, where he found the remainder of his men, slaughtered and left unburied, without hesitation, having stalked this drone to its final end, he shot down the vile drone, and leaping off the waterfalls ledge, he began combat with the remainder of the wretched Tau, Without hesitation and thought of his own life, he slayed each Tau villain, bloodying his knife, in honour of his fallen brothers``

More photos: 

 The Cougar him self... Stalking his prey!!!

 The murdered Prisoners, Cougars fellow Skulltakers taken prisoner, and slaughtered by the Tau!
 Tau propoganda... Marking your territory is either ballsy, Or in this case, foolish!

 The hunted Drone crashes to the forest floor

I`m not the happiest with my paint job on Hando, but much more satisfied with the overall quality of my terrain piece!

Heres an overview of the build:

I joined WGC this week and only began building my Display piece Entry for the competition on Nov 11th! its been a wild 4 days to complete it but I`m overall satisfied with the final scene:

 Heres a ton of Photos to showcase the build, with proof of creation based on date, as well as honouring the rules, by only including 1 complete miniature, keeping the base under 4 inches, and documenting and having proof that the build was started this week!

this photo had to be uploaded to the competitions site to prove when it was first started!


 I Made sure I kept it under 5 inches as the competition stated!

The damaged Tau battle done, that has had its guns blasted off, full of laz holes, and smoke, I spoke with Chung chow in regards to the use of an extra miniature I wanted two drones one destroyed and one scanning the forest floor, and he stated the destroyed drone was acdeptable as its decoration, not a miniature istelf! but the othe rone would violate the rules! good thing I asked lol

 The trees are real I collected them a year ago and have a huge box of em! The Tau sign was made from palsticard

 The miniature itself, is cadian body, arms and legs, the left hand was cut off and twisted, the right hand with the knife is from the scions boxset, along with his beret Head. The tank hunter Sniper Rifle (my good friend Morgan Suggested that its more of a tank hunting rifle)  is a custom made from both the scion boxset and Cadian boxset, with a Spacemarine pistol scope added!

 and the painting begins

 The water affect was a total fluke, I was going to use clear resin, and then decide don hot glue, but the glue was coming out an off white colour so I decided to try and paint the glue sticks blue, and it worked like a charm! I`m going to try this affect with lava for my wifes chaos battle board and scenery!

Here all the minatures are added and are the final test shots!
 These are the final complete photos, but not taken in my photo booth!

Any questions, comments, concerns, or Conversion/Painting inquiries email:
Tyler Read


  1. Replies
    1. Oh wow thank-you So much! that means a lot Your guys store is awesome!
